We Invite YOU to Be a Leader, Become a Legend & Leave a Legacy!

The Endowment Fund was established in 1999 to create a constant base of funding, independent of fundraisers, that would generate interest to be used to offset administrative costs in the future and allow for multi-year budgeting. The original campaign set a goal of $1 million. This goal was achieved through the generosity of League members and the Community. We have raised the bar and our new goal is $1.5 million. The achievement of this goal will allow monies to be used at the discretion on the Board of Directors to help further the Mission of the League while keeping a healthy principle amount intact.

The Endowment Fund is managed by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, who implement a disciplined approach of investing to ensure constant growth in the Fund. We look to the Endowment Fund to sustain the future of the League financially. A contribution to the Endowment Fund is a contribution to the future of the women, children and community culture of the Greater Baton Rouge Area. Donate today!

Thank you for considering a gift to the Junior League of Baton Rouge. All gifts are tax deductible and will be used to advance the mission of the Junior League of Baton Rouge.


You may also donate by mail at:
Junior League of Baton Rouge, Inc.
9523 Fenway Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Or for a credit card donation over the phone call:  (225) 924-0298

Or for more info, email the Junior League.

For information on Planned Giving, 1932 Society, 
click here to submit the form online. For information on Club 900, our member pledge program, click here.
